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Alessio Roy Capri

Stage 3, BA (Hons) Architecture

Urban Intervention

Connecting three individual sites in Canterbury to each other, as well as creating a gateway into the city centre. The project focuses on sustainable transport to improve circulation through Canterbury, while also enhancing the pre-existing qualities through a continuation of the street front and creation of smaller city/town squares. The proposal features a museum, café, as well as student and residential accommodation.

Architectural Design

Enabling two charities to share a new and improved building in the heart of the city, while improving the connection to its historic fabric. The building is designed for The Umbrella Centre and Canterbury Society, featuring allotment plots, a theatre, restaurant, library, and mental health support. The project develops spaces and opportunities for ‘growing, knowing and gathering’.

Design Tutor, Urban Intervention: Hooman Talebi

Design Tutor, Architectural Design: Ivan Del Renzio

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